Off to a new start. Happy 2017!

And so the adventure begins. Dream, create, inspire. Some important things to remember this year:

  1. Go with the flow and seek peace in all situations
  2. Avoid disagreements and conflict by not taking things too personally
  3. Meet all with love, joy and kindness
  4. Pursue only those things that I can see to completion
  5. Live in the present and let go of the past
  6. Forgive myself and others
  7. Be patient with myself and others
  8. Embrace my truth and respect the truth of others
  9. Pay attention to my present as it is creating my future
  10. Clear my mind of negativity and always have faith
As I write this I am reminded of a quote I came across recently. It gave me my "aha moment."

Wishing everyone peace, love and laughter in the New Year!!
P.S. And remember, if life gives me lemons, make lemonade 😉

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